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ja, 27 лет, nürnberg, Германия

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1. Морская полиция: спецотдел

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Sorry, have to write in english, don't write russian too well, but i'm able to read it...well i love this show, it's brilliant. some of you asked, why kate had to die. well, it isn't because of the americans want to show a "real terrorist" in ari. as matter in fact, sasha alexander, the actress, wanted to stop playing her role as "kate todd" and so d.p. bellissario had to write her out of the script. well and ari was the best charakter to kill her. so don't blame the producer, blame sasha alexander. and after all, cote de pablo is a brilliant actress, too, and her role, ziva david is very charming. i have to tell you, i like her even more than kate.
hope you understand my horrible english, but belive me, my russian spelling is even worser.
greetings, from a german


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